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Current Work

:: Jan 17, 2023 ::

Excited to announce my autofiction- The Story of my Wardrobe, is nearing completion. The Story of my Wardrobe is a darkly funny fiction blended memoir that tells the story of a girl who, despite trauma and heartache, craved to choose love. Each chapter takes us on a journey from the time period of a particular item in my wardrobe as I wrestle with loving the unlovable. It is only through realizing that other people- including myself- don’t have to change to be loved, that I find a hard-won peace.

Work in Progress

:: Jan 1, 2023 ::

The Loneliest Girl in L.A. is a memoir in progress about finding yourself childless in your late 30's with nothing but a sea of unavailable moms in the friendship pool. Readers will follow my journey into the void to interact, try new things, and even venture to ask that darkly vulnerable question: "Would you be my friend?"


:: Jan 1, 2023 ::

The Thrifty Actor is a blog I've written since 2013 about my journey as an actor in Hollywood. Though I don't write as much on there anymore, there's some goodies to be found!